Snooker is a type of billiards. It appeared at the end of the 19th century in Great Britain. At first, snooker was played with balls of 4 colors. Later the number of colors increased to 6. The first official world snooker championship was held in 1926 in England. To date, the leaders in the game are athletes from England, Scotland, Wales and Australia. World Championship is held annually.
Features of snooker betting

Bookmakers accept bets on snooker not only during the world championships but also on other major tournaments:
- the World Cup
- the Open Championships of Scotland
- Northern Ireland
- Germany
- China
- European Masters
In the lists of snooker you can find bets on the winner, on players with handicaps (frames), on frame totals and on the exact score. Bets on the outcome of individual frames are accepted. Before the start of major tournaments, bookmakers accept bets on the winner and medalists, as well as on players who will get to the next stages of the competition.
- Some bookmakers provide extended spreads, which include bets on the total points in frames and in the match.
Snooker line analysis
When placing quotes on snooker matches, bookmakers take into account the statistics of personal meetings and players’ ratings, as well as their stats in previous competitions. Naturally, the odds often change after customers start betting.
Since snooker is a fairly popular and well covered sport, the number of connoisseurs of this game is quite large. Therefore, it is not always easy to find events with favorable odds. Not all the offices take low margins on snooker matches. It is definitely recommended to study the margins for successful betting.
- It should be understood that the level of the top athletes is about the same. Yes, there are multiple world champions among them – John Higgins, Mark Selby, Ronnie O’Sullivan. But that does not mean that you can safely bet on these athletes with big handicaps. They may win many tournaments, but they do not have an overwhelming advantage in all bouts.
- When analyzing duels, it is necessary to consider the motivation of athletes. Some titled snooker players do not want to show their maximum capabilities. In matches of not the most prestigious tournaments, they sometimes experiment in some frames. Such experiments often lead to losses in games, although in the next games they play to their strength and win in the end.
It is very useful to watch live broadcasts in order to understand how ready a particular athlete is. Usually snooker players who are in good shape try to finish a frame faster in their favor. They make almost no mistakes and leave no chance for their opponents.

There is a category of players who in the first rounds show a mediocre level and only in the 3rd and 4th rounds gain form. Matthew Stevens can be counted among such snooker players. If it is noticeable that he is nervous, you can try to bet on his opponent with a plus hand.
Some famous masters often play for a total of more frames. With the participation of two productive players, you can bet on the total more. Such include John Higgins.
Clients of betting shops, specializing in online betting, very carefully follow the initial stage in the games. The first shot often determines which player will be in the winning position. If the balls are separated correctly, then, as a rule, the top players do not leave chances for their opponents. Often after the first shot the odds drop from very high to 1.2 or less.
The state of the players
It is very important to pay attention to the state of the players throughout the match. If a player is nervous and makes mistakes, you can bet against him. It is clear that in the matches of strong snooker players this rarely happens, but, nevertheless, you should keep this possible situation in mind. As soon as an inaccurate shot or an obvious mistake follows, the odds on the winner of the frame change significantly. Experienced bettors catch such moments and make the right bets.
In the games there are sometimes difficult situations when the balls are near the boards and there are no promising options for sending balls into the pocket. Risk is usually the player who is significantly inferior to the opponent in terms of points. In these situations, the risk brings success to those who are in very good shape. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the state of athletes at a particular tournament to make timely and profitable bets on them in play.
What to say in conclusion?
Snooker can be considered a full-fledged sport for betting. To get a stable profit, a player should be well versed in all the subtleties of this difficult game and understand how a particular athlete is ready for a tournament.